
Welcome to Realxreviews!

You will find real-life reviews of products hand-picked for quality, popularity or functionality.

We cover reviews on Herbs, art material, Health tech, and general tech. Our format is video so we are basically a Review vlog! 

How our site works:

To see particular reviews on  for example herbs, type in the search term for example Irish seamoss and our video review should appear. If you do not see a review of a particular product, we will be happy to research it for you and give you feedback. Conact us here

Collaborate with us:

We have worked with many companies to review their products for promotion or simply customer feedback on quality. When you send us your product, we will create a video review of it giving you an honest opinion of the item. After that we will promote the video on social mmedia adding your link to it so you get more traffic!

Contact us today for a review of your product.